Euphoria Red (The Playlist)
Un ordinateur est connecté à un service de musique en streaming. Le public peut rechercher ses chansons préférées et les ajouter à la playlist existante. Le système joue et rejoue les chansons, et jour après jour, la liste se rallonge grâce aux contributions du public. Les spots lumineux sont synchronisés au rythme de la musique, et illuminent le lieu de l’exposition, une ancienne usine de glace.
A computer is connected to an internet music streaming service. Viewers can search for their favourite songs and add it to the rolling playlist. The system plays the playlist repeatedly, but day after day, the playlist becomes longer and longer as viewers add their own choices. The lighting is synced to the beat of the song, and illuminates the former ice factory where the exhibition took place.

Festival RED, Fujiyoshida, Japan